Food, Health

Food And Drinks For A Healthy Heart


Medical News Today

If you would really still prefer to have rice, remember that black rice and brown rice are each better for your heart than white rice. Aside from black and brown rice having more fiber than white rice, black and brown rice also pack a lot of minerals essential to heart health.

Black and brown rice are rich in potassium, which has already been discussed to be necessary for maintaining good, regular heartbeat. These rice variants also happen to be extremely rich in Manganese, with some black or brown rice variants containing 88% of the average person’s recommended daily intake (RDI) of this mineral.

Manganese, amongst the many benefits to the human body, is essential for good muscle contraction, which the heart does repeatedly tens of thousands in a day. It is also a mineral that is important in blood glucose regulation.

Most black and brown rice variants contain antioxidants that help combat oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is a major contributor to heart disease. Thus, being able to reduce oxidative stress will reduce the chances of heart disease, which translates to better health for your heart.