Food, Health

Food And Drinks For A Healthy Heart


First Cry Parenting

There was a time when caffeinated drinks like tea and coffee were automatically written off as bad for heart health. Caffeine was identified to be a cause for heart palpitations, increase in heart rate, and increase in blood pressure. Recent studies show that while caffeine does increase blood pressure and the likelihood for heart palpitations, these effects are temporary. With long-term caffeine consumption, there are indicators that the body adapts, and that these effects are minimized over time. Furthermore, caffeine is now heralded as a metabolic rate enhancer, which is also good for the cardiovascular system. The key heart-healthy component of tea and coffee, however, is not just in the caffeine.

For tea, the key ingredients for overall health are the polyphenols and catechins, both antioxidants known to be effective anti-inflammatories. The anti-inflammatory effect contributes to the health of the blood vessels , which in turn contributes to heart health. Tea consumption has also proven to reduce the amount of bad cholesterol. The effects of tea on good cholesterol have varied according to tea variants, but in general, the effects on good cholesterol have ranged from insignificantly beneficial to very good. For coffee, the key ingredient in heart health is in its flavonoids, which help protect against cell-damage.

Tea and coffee in themselves are proving to be beneficial to overall health and heart health. However, when you start drinking your tea or coffee mixed with loads of sugar, milk, or creamer, then you are likely to be negating the health effects of the caffeine, the polyphenols, and the flavonoids. It would still be best to take these drinks as plain as possible.