Food, Health

Food And Drinks For A Healthy Heart


Harvard School of Public Health

Bananas are amongst the first foods ever endorsed by the American Medical Association as an ideal health food. There are several varieties of bananas, each containing variances in their nutrient content and ratio. However, generally all bananas are considered good sources of Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Manganese, Magnesium, Potassium, and dietary fiber.

Among the many nutrients and minerals in bananas, Potassium and Magnesium are two that bananas are most popular for. These two minerals are so effective and essential to muscle function, and bananas are known to be one of the quickest and most convenient ways to get these minerals into the body. Bananas are so proven to be good sources of Potassium and Magnesium, many athletes and sports coaches all over the world make it a point to add this fruit to their diet (technically speaking, bananas are not fruits, they are flower petals — yes, I know, that’s mind-blowing to some of you readers).

Potassium is a mineral that carries a small electrical charge, an electrical charge that is essential for causing nerves to efficiently send signals to muscles in the body, the heart muscle included. Particularly with regard to the heart muscle, potassium is an essential mineral that helps signal the heart to beat regularly, as well as enables it to contract and relax effectively. Potassium also serves to regulate the balance of water in cells, and is particularly helpful in reducing the adverse effects of excess sodium in our bloodstream. By reducing the adverse effects of sodium in our bloodstream, Potassium can also help keep our blood pressure in the healthy range, and thereby prevent overworking the heart.

There were recent internet articles that claimed bananas as among the “worst” foods, supposedly because it led to constipation. This has been debunked by the medical and scientific community. The overwhelming and consistent findings of reputable medical and nutritional organizations uphold the proven health benefits of bananas.