
29 Ways to Curb Your Excessive Burping


Medical News Today

Fenugreek is an herb that is closely related to soy. You can use its fresh and dried seeds, leaves, twigs, and roots as spices, flavoring agents, and supplements. While more research is necessary, fenugreek has shown to have varied health benefits for many different conditions. While there is not currently enough conclusive evidence to fully support the use of fenugreek for any medical purpose, people have been using fenugreek in varying form for thousands of years to treat a wide variety of conditions, including digestive problems. Fenugreek is also taken as a remedy for constipation, loss of appetite, and gastritis, as it has anti-inflammatory properties. When all is said and done, and you’ve tried these remedies and more, but still find yourself burping without any discernible cause, you may have an underlying condition. See a doctor if your burping is starting to take over your life and get checked for an ulcer or other issues that may be in your digestive tract.