
29 Ways to Curb Your Excessive Burping


Today Show

Tea is an excellent remedy for an upset stomach, or even upset feelings — as it is common in most countries to brew a pot of tea if you’re not feeling 100% yourself. The most common type of tea served in the US is black tea, and there are a number of wonderful benefits to drinking it. Both black and green teas have antioxidant properties, and can help lower blood pressure, improve gut health, as well as reduce burping. The process of brewing tea is very simple, but you do have to make sure that your water is boiled, not microwaved, so as to get the full flavor and benefit of the tea leaves. Some people add lemon and honey to their tea to help supplement the effects and reduce burping. Furthermore, tea is an all-day kind of beverage, and drinking it will improve your hydration as well. It is also diuretic, meaning you will find yourself having to urinate more often, but keep the cycle going and you’ll find yourself happily drinking tea all day long.