
29 Ways to Curb Your Excessive Burping


Health Essentials

Honey has been around for a long, long time — and has been commonly used as both a food and a medicine. Nutritionally, one tablespoon of honey contains virtually no fiber, fat, or protein, however it has a lot of antioxidants that can help your body function better. A popular home remedy for excessive gas and burping is to take one tablespoon of raw honey. The viscous nature of honey can coat your esophagus and is known to be beneficial for acid reflux as well. Make sure however that the honey you buy is pure and not mixed with sugar or syrup. How can you tell if your honey is pure? Try the thumb test — put a small drop of the honey you have on your thumb and check to see if it spills or spreads around. If it does, it is not pure. You can also try the water test; fill a glass with water, add one tablespoon of honey into the glass, and watch to see if the honey sinks to the bottom, or if it dissolves and spreads around the glass. If it does the latter, it has been cut with sugar or syrup. Finally, and perhaps the most interesting test, try the flame test to know whether or not your honey is pure. Take a dry matchstick, dip the tip into honey, and strike it on the matchbox to light it. If the honey is pure, it will light easily, and the flame will also keep burning off the honey. However, if the honey is impure, it will not light because fake honey has moisture.