Food, Health

18 Foods Diabetics Should Steer Clear Of


Diabetes is a chronic disease caused by high levels of blood sugar, also known as blood glucose. The insulin produced by your pancreas is responsible for getting the glucose from the food that you eat to flow through your bloodstream and into your cells. This becomes your main source of energy. So if your pancreas does not produce enough insulin or is not able to use insulin efficiently, too much glucose will be left in your bloodstream, which could cause a number of health problems, and even failure of various organs.

While there is no cure for diabetes, there are ways to manage the illness. If you suffer from this disease, carefully watching your diet will go a long way in maintaining your health. Because carbs are broken down into sugar, or glucose, that is absorbed in your bloodstream, carb intake plays a major role in proper maintenance. Although we need carbohydrates to fuel our energy, too much of these can become problematic for someone with diabetes. Consuming too much at a time can cause dangerously high blood sugar levels, which can then damage your body’s blood vessels over time, and may eventually lead to serious health conditions such as heart and kidney diseases.

Thus, it is important to avoid certain foods if you have diabetes. Here are 18 types of food to avoid.