Baby Care, Diet, Food, Health

28 Home Remedies For Earache And Infection

28. Find a Distraction

Children’s Health

While this might not be as effective for a severe earache, a distraction can help children forget their pain for a while. Keeping their mind off the pain can provide a little comfort. Let them indulge in things they love to do. Let them have some screen time, whether on the television or on your phone or tablet. Find some apps or movies that would keep them entertained. Maybe something new, like a toy, book, or coloring materials, might do the trick. Think up some new activities for them to try, and if you can join them in these activities, you would even get extra time to bond with them.

If you are the one suffering from an earache, a distraction could also help you. Get out for a while to see a new movie, or hang out with someone whose company you enjoy. If you’d rather stay in, it might be a good time to start the book you’d been meaning to read, or snuggle in for a TV marathon. Stress management techniques may also help you if your earache is causing emotional or psychological stress.