Baby Care, Diet, Food, Health

28 Home Remedies For Earache And Infection

14. Ginger


Ginger is most commonly used in cooking, but it also has a variety of medicinal uses. It is a known treatment for nausea and indigestion, and is used to relieve sore muscles and to lower cholesterol and blood sugar. Ginger also has antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties that can aid in treating an earache or a mild ear infection.

To use this as a remedy, put some ginger slices in water and boil for around 10 to 15 minutes. After letting the mixture cool a little bit, soak a washcloth in it, then squeeze out the excess water. Apply the washcloth on your affected ear while still warm, and leave it on for around 15 to 20 minutes.

Another way to use ginger as a treatment is to mix some shredded ginger in olive oil, then strain. Apply this juice around the outer ear canal, while avoiding getting it directly into the ear.