Baby Care, Diet, Food, Health

28 Home Remedies For Earache And Infection

26. Good Diet

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While this might not provide immediate relief for an earache, having a good diet will help maintain your ear’s health. It has the added benefit of contributing to the overall well-being of your body. Drinking lots of water not only helps you stay hydrated, it can also help clear out mucus that may be causing your ear problem. Fish such as salmon and sardines, which are rich in Omega-3 fats, can help reduce inflammation in your ears.

Nutrients such as folic acid, potassium and magnesium are also good for your ear’s health. These can be found in low-fat milk, yogurt, cereal, and in some fruits and vegetables. Foods rich in nutrients that boost your immune system can also help keep away infection, and contribute to healing and cell regeneration. Some of these include fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C, and zinc-laden foods such as beef, pork, chicken, beans, peanuts, almonds, cashews, oysters, and dark chocolate.