Food, Health

Stomach Flu And Food Poisoning Prevention And Treatment

Get Plenty of Rest

Jeff Kenobi

People who have experienced stomach flu or food poisoning would agree that it is an uncomfortable and draining illness.  The almost constant abdominal pain, frequent bowel movement and/or vomiting, plus sometimes the shivering and/or fevers, can be very exhausting and draining, literally and figuratively.  Most people who have suffered the condition speak of feeling weak, sluggish, and sometimes lightheaded.  In severe cases of gastroenteritis (i.e. stomach flu or food poisoning), the body gets taxed and will require much more energy just to cope with the ravages of the signs and symptoms.  Rest will be an important requirement of the healing and recovery process.

If you are suffering from gastroenteritis, avoid going to school, work, or any public place or gathering.  Not only do such trips take away from your much needed rest, going out to the public also risks exposing you to other viruses at a time when your immune system is already fully occupied and overwhelmed battling the viruses or bacteria causing your illness.  Aside from protecting yourself from added exposure, you will also want to protect the public from getting exposed to whatever virus or bacteria you are carrying.  Remember, you are contagious when you are carrying a stomach flu virus or a food poisoning bacteria.  Aside from protecting yourself from others, you need to be protecting others from yourself.  (Same idea applies to coronavirus:  protect yourself from others, and protect others from yourself)