Food, Health

Stomach Flu And Food Poisoning Prevention And Treatment

Observe Proper Sanitation and Disinfection Practices


Keeping your house, and the items in it, clean and disinfected, is helpful in preventing gastroenteritis like stomach flu and food poisoning.  The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (often referred to as the CDC) recommends using a hypochlorite solution (household bleach and water) as an effective means to disinfect surfaces.  Here is how:

1. Wash the area, surface, or item with soap and warm, clean water.

2. Rinse the area, surface, or item with clean water.

3. Prepare a mixture of 1:10 ratio.  That would be 1 part household bleach for every 10 parts of clean water.  Wipe every surface with this solution.  Note, this is specifically for gastroenteritis virus and bacteria.  General disinfection is recommended at 1:100 ratio of household bleach and water.

4. Allow the area, surface, or item to air dry.