Food, Health

Stomach Flu And Food Poisoning Prevention And Treatment

Gradual Reintroduction of Food


Food is still the best source of nutrition.  Nutrition is critically important to a person suffering from gastroenteritis, especially because the nourishment they have drains out every time they have a bowel movement or when they vomit, either or both of which would be quite frequent when suffering the illness.

The fact of the matter, however, is that eating will be difficult for most gastroenteritis sufferers because it is uncomfortable for the digestive system when food is introduced.  Most of the time, it is almost impossible to hold down any food or beverage.  This is why it is important for people suffering gastroenteritis to be mindful to control the volume of food they take in.  It is recommended that people with gastroenteritis eat and drink in small volumes at a time, gradually increasing the volume of intake according to what their digestive system can handle, as they recover to the point of being able to eat and drink at their normal appetite.  People with gastroenteritis will expectedly feel weak because of the drain in nourishment, but they should regain their energy and strength as they slowly go back to normal eating habits.

While nursing one’s appetite to normal levels, it is important to choose the best food that will both prevent the worsening of abdominal symptoms as well as nourish most effectively and efficiently.  The following is a list of the most recommended food for sufferers of gastroenteritis:

1. Pastas

2. Rice

3. Lean meats cooked with little or no fat

4. Well-cooked, non-oily varieties of fish (remember that fish spoils easily, so serve it freshly cooked)

5. Fresh eggs (poached or boiled, not fried)

6. Fresh fruits such as apples and bananas, or canned ones that contain no added sugar and are packed in their own juice

7. Cooked vegetables

8. Sugar-free cereals such as oat meal and barley

9. Bread