Food, Health

Stomach Flu And Food Poisoning Prevention And Treatment

Stomach Flu and Food Poisoning Treatment

Medical News Today

Stomach flu and food poisoning have a lot of signs and symptoms in common.  These are usually abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.  There are, however, sometimes some non-abdominal signs and symptoms present. For example, depending on whether you are sick with a virus or a bacteria, you could have fevers, chills, joint pains, sweating, body aches, fatigue, stiffness, and thirst in addition to your abdominal signs and symptoms.

Stomach flu and food poisoning sometimes resolve on their own, as in without medical intervention.  Even with medical intervention, most of the treatment is usually just supportive in nature.  Medications used are usually for addressing the resulting signs and symptoms, and often not actual cures for the disease itself.

The following pages contain the different ways stomach infections are supported or treated.