
20 Ways to Get Rid of Zits and Prevent Breakouts

7. Papaya


Papaya is known for its benefits for the skin. In fact, it is a commonly used ingredient in skin care. Although it has gained a reputation for its skin lightening qualities, papaya can also help in fighting acne. It contains the enzymes papain and chymopapain that can reduce inflammation. Many exfoliating products use papain as an active ingredient. These exfoliators remove dead skin cells that may clog pores, as well as damaged keratin that can build up on your skin.

While it is easy to find products that contain papaya, you could also make your own skin care solutions. To use as a spot treatment, cut fresh papaya into small pieces, then crush into a thick juice. Apply the juice on your spots, and leave on for 10 to 15 minutes before washing it off. Alternatively, you could make a face mask by adding some honey into the crushed papaya, and mixing it until it becomes a paste. Massage the mixture into your face, and leave it on until it dries up before washing it off.