
20 Ways to Get Rid of Zits and Prevent Breakouts

15. Washing Your Face Regularly


Washing your face should already be a part of anyone’s routine, and yet some people either neglect to do this, or occasionally feel too lazy to clean properly. This should be done twice a day to wash away excess oil and dead skin cells, and remove impurities from your skin. However, it is not necessary to wash more than twice a day, as washing your face too often could lead to dry, irritated skin. 

As much as possible, use warm water and opt for a mild facial cleanser, as stronger soaps could further irritate any inflammations. Wash gently with your hands or with a soft cloth, and make sure you rinse well. Use a clean towel to pat dry, and moisturize accordingly. Keeping your face clean can prevent buildup of excess oil and dirt that may lead to pimples.