
20 Ways to Get Rid of Zits and Prevent Breakouts

14. Facial Steaming

Medical News Today

Steaming your face can be an easy DIY method to treat your skin from the comfort of your own home. It is cleansing and nourishing, and promotes glowing skin. When the steam opens up your pores, it helps loosen dirt, dead skin cells, acne-causing bacteria, and other impurities that have built up in your pores. It also releases excess sebum that could lead to acne breakouts. Opening up your pores also softens blackheads, which makes them easier to get out. Aside from helping to prevent acne, facial steaming has many other benefits for your skin, making it a good way to pamper yourself.

Before you start steaming your face, make sure you clean your face and neck properly. Boil enough water to fill the bowl you are going to use. When it comes to a boil, you could add some herbs and stir it into the water. Bring it down to a simmer for a couple of minutes, then pour it into the bowl carefully. Seat yourself comfortably, and drape a towel over your head and bowl, holding your face about six inches above the steaming water. Adjust your head to get the right amount of heat. You could cool off occasionally by raising a corner of your towel. Do this for around five to ten minutes.