
20 Things You Could Do To Treat and Prevent Headaches

8. Ginger

Women’s Health

Ginger is widely used for its numerous health benefits. It is best known for its soothing effects on nausea, indigestion, and stomach troubles. Because this spicy root has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, it can also relieve symptoms of headache and migraine. It is especially effective if your headache is accompanied by feelings of nausea or vomiting.

Studies have shown that it is most effective for treating headaches in the form of capsules and gels. However, taking ginger in other forms may also help. You could massage a few drops of diluted ginger oil on your temples, or inhale its aroma from a steam diffuser. Sucking on a lozenge may help, especially if you are also experiencing nausea. You could also try drinking ginger ale or ginger tea, or adding ginger to your meal.