
20 Things You Could Do To Treat and Prevent Headaches

7. Avoiding Strong Odors

Well-Being Secrets

Strong odors are one of the triggers of headaches, particularly to those who are predisposed to migraines. This is especially true if you have osmophobia, which is an intolerance or a high sensitivity to smells. When your headache is triggered by odors, it is usually accompanied by nausea. You are more likely to get migraine from odors if you are exposed to them for more than 15 minutes at a time, or if you are in a closed space.

Avoid strong odors if you are sensitive to smells or find that they cause your headaches. Try to identify which specific smells you are sensitive to. Also, when you are exposed to any of these, try to get some fresh air if you can. Some of the most common odors that trigger migraines are cigarette smoke, car exhaust, cleaning products, nail polish, pesticides, and even perfume.