
20 Things You Could Do To Treat and Prevent Headaches

4. Keep Hydrated


If you don’t get enough water, you may suffer from dehydration headaches. The symptoms of this type of headache are usually similar to those of other commonly occurring headaches. It may feel like a hangover headache, which is a throbbing ache on both sides of the head that gets worse when engaging in physical activity. Even just moving your head or bending over can make your headache feel worse.

Your headache has a high chance of being caused by dehydration if you also experience other symptoms such as thirst, a dry mouth, dark yellow urine, or less urination. If such is the case, drink a couple glasses of water, and your headache may be relieved within three hours after drinking. Getting enough water regularly can also go a long way in preventing headaches. What’s more, it can improve your overall health as well!