Health, Life

Methods To Relieve Sciatica

Deep Breathing Exercises

Banyan Botanicals

Deep breathing exercises are good not only for the lungs, but for the rest of the body as well. When there is more air in the lungs, there will be more oxygen that can be drawn from that air, to be distributed to the muscles. More oxygen available for the muscles will help relieve tension in the muscles.

When a person experiences pain, the mind goes into tension, and the stress of it tends to highlight the pain more. By engaging in deep breathing, the mind is conditioned to calm down and relax, reducing the stress hormones, which then relaxes the body, which then helps reduce the pain. Think of it as reversing the body-mind process. If the body influences the mind (the physical pain causes mental stress), that is proof that there is a connection between the two. If you instead control the mental stress, that connection allows you to also influence the physical body.

A good technique to try is to breathe in through your nose for 4 seconds, then breathe out through the mouth for 4 seconds. Try to sit up straight, or stand up straight, if the sciatica allows you to do so when you do the breathing exercise. Keep the breath smooth, not in gasps. As you breathe in, fill and try to expand your lungs with air. As you breathe out, blow through the mouth to get a more complete exhalation.

Focus on the breaths. The rhythmic pattern may start to keep your mind off the pain until you no longer notice the pain. If you have to close your eyes to rid yourself of distractions, do so. Keep up the deep breathing exercises for as long as you wish. Get into the habit of breathing deeply, such that you already subconsciously breathe deeply regularly.