Health, Life

Methods To Relieve Sciatica



For the longest time, regular exercise has been a mainstay recommendation for overall fitness and health. Improving, or at least maintaining, cardiovascular performance and health, mobility, functional performance, muscle condition, and body composition, have always been touted as benefits of exercise. Exercise, if done properly with post-workout cooldown and stretching, also loosens muscles from tension. The loosening of muscles from tension contribute to the reduction of sciatica pain, and may even help prevent the onset of pain altogether.

Because obesity is contributory to the risk of suffering sciatica, it is a good idea to manage one’s weight. Specifically, keep the muscle-to-weight ratio higher than the fat-to-weight ratio. Exercise, when combined with a lean diet, helps keep obesity at bay, and increases the muscle capacity to bear the bodyweight.

Exercise is also contributory to pain management itself. Exercise triggers the body to release Endorphins, the happy hormone. Endorphins are hormones that the pituitary gland releases as a means to address pain and stress. Physical activities, like exercise and sex, are also known to trigger the release of endorphins. Endorphins are called the happy hormone because they actually trigger the de-stressing of the body, including the blocking out of pain. This is helpful to people suffering from sciatica.

And finally, exercise is good for maintaining good posture. The muscular strength developed in exercise makes it easier for the body to keep itself in the proper position, able to hold the proper posture more habitually, and for longer periods of time.