Health, Life

Methods To Relieve Sciatica


Premier Health

Stretching the muscles are an overall good body conditioning measure. It is recommended that every person stretches muscles upon waking, before exercising, after exercising, and every 30 minutes of sitting at a desk. Stretching relaxes the muscles, relieves tension, and helps remind a person to correct their posture.

There are several stretches that are specifically helpful for people suffering sciatica. Some of these stretches are recommended to be done regularly, proactively, as a means of preventing the onset of pain, or at least reducing it if it does still occur. There are also some stretches that are designed to relieve pain. The most basic of both these kinds of stretches are meant to release tension on the lumbar area (the lower back), the buttocks, and the hamstrings (backside of the thigh). Check with a Physical Therapist or a Medical Doctor who specializes in musculoskeletal systems and sciatica relief, and have them teach you the stretching techniques recommended for your specific case. Most of the stretches are meant to be done on your own, without special equipment.