Health, Life

Methods To Relieve Sciatica

Hot Pack


In treating musculoskeletal injuries, the first aid is to apply cold packs for 20 minutes at a time for the first 48 hours. There are two main reasons for this. The first reason for this is to numb the injured area from the pain of the injury. The other reason is to slow down the fluid flow into the injured area, therefore preventing a buildup of fluids in the injured part, and thereby preventing swelling of the injured area. After 48 hours, the recommendation is to switch to a hot pack.

A hot pack also serves two main purposes. First, it helps soothe pain, though not necessarily by numbing the area. The second is that it increases blood flow to the injured area. The increased blood flow is meant to increase the repair cells and nourishment that will help heal the damaged tissue.

In the case of sciatica, it is not an injury that needs repair of damaged tissue. It is an inflammation and an issue with a nerve getting pinched or compressed. A hot pack is recommended as a means to soothe the pain. While it is not expected to repair damaged tissue, it will increase the flow of fluids to the area, fluids with nutrients to help heal the inflammation.

Some people find more relief from a cold pack. Others find more relief from a hot pack. It is up to you to choose. Both will work to some degree, but which one works better for you is your choice.