
Good Food For Protein

Widen Your Variety Of Protein Sources

Best Health Magazine

The human body needs a wide variety of nutrients and minerals, and there is no singular food that contains all that the body needs. Each of the food listed as good protein sources in this article are among the food richer in protein compared to others. Keep in mind that each of them also lacks one or more of the other nutrients that the body needs. Protein is not the only nutrient needed by the body, so sticking to just one food type because it is rich in protein is still not the ideal diet for any person.

The US Department of Agriculture, in 2015, published that the Recommended Daily Allowance for protein is 0.8g for every 2 pounds of body weight. This is a general recommendation, and does not take into account the variables of activity level and muscle-gain objectives. Athletes, especially bodybuilders, will often want to increase their protein intake especially for muscle gains. Just the same, trying to meet all your protein requirements from just one food source may mean you would lack on other nutrients.

The key is variety and a balanced diet. The general dietary needs of the human body are protein, carbohydrates, fiber, and minerals. Meat is richer in protein, plants are richer in fiber, both have their share of minerals, and grains and tubers bring the carbohydrates. Eat a variety of these, in sensible proportions, and you should be able to completely meet your body’s nutritional needs. Complete the package with a good and regular dose of exercise, and you will likely keep your body fit and healthy, and functional for a longer time.