
Good Food For Protein

Protein From Meat

Eat This, Not That

The scientific community is pretty much unanimous in touting real food as the best source of proteins. However, not all food are equal in terms of being rich sources of protein. Protein can be sourced from plants and from meat. To understand which protein source is better for you, you need to understand non-essential versus essential amino acids.

Some amino acids needed by the body are actually manufactured inside the body. These are what are called non-essential amino acids, because you would not need to consume protein to produce these organic compounds. There are 11 non-essential amino acids. Essential amino acids, of which there are 9, are the amino acids that the body does not produce on its own, and would therefore have to be sourced through the diet.

Meat, as a protein source, contains all the essential amino acids. It is therefore referred to as a “complete” protein, or high-quality protein. Aside from meat, soy, quinoa, and amaranth are also known to be “complete” proteins, although they are from plants. There are several meat options to choose from, and these will be discussed later on.