
Good Food For Protein

Why Do You Need Proteins?

Reader’s Digest Asia

For muscle tissue and bone tissue to grow, they need amino acids. The protein a person consumes breaks down into amino acids which the body will utilize. When the muscles or bones are injured, they will need repair. It will be the amino acids from the protein that will be used for this. If the muscles are worked out with intensity, it will form microtears, small damages that the body will repair with amino acids. When the body suffers microtears from working out, the body repairs these damaged tissues considering that it might get subjected to that workload again. In preparation for being loaded at that level again, the body will repair the muscle to be bigger and stronger, better able to handle the workload it experienced. This is how muscles grow bigger with exercise. This is also why protein and amino acids are especially important for active people, athletes (especially bodybuilders), and growing children.