
Could It Be Pneumonia? A Dozen Warning Signs!

Can Kissing Make You Catch Pneumonia?

There are many myths about how one catches pneumonia.  If you have read this far in the article, then you would have caught on by now which of the many supposed causes of pneumonia are “fake news”, some passed on from generation to generation.  The most common myth is that a wet shirt will cause you to catch pneumonia, or playing in the rain will cause you to catch pneumonia.  There is no direct correlation to wet shirts and pneumonia.  However, this myth may have some indirect basis in actual fact.  

A person who experiences a sudden change in temperature would normally also be experiencing a dip in their immune system.  Just a dip, not enough to be classified a lowered immune system.  However, if this person catches a virus or bacteria during this dip in their immune system, it is possible for the bug to take hold and take effect.  Once this happens, pneumonia is possible.  Not a big likelihood, but it is possible.  I’d still be playing, if I were you.

And no, contrary to the old song some boomers still know (some of them still sing it, “What do you get when you kiss a girl?  You catch enough germs to get pneumonia…”), kissing a girl does not give a guy pneumonia.  A slap on the face is possible, but not necessarily pneumonia.  However, this myth may also have some basis in actual fact since kissing is a way of transmitting a virus or bacteria, including the ones that cause pneumonia.  But let us be fair, sometimes it is the guy who transmits the bug, and it is the girl who catches it.