
Could It Be Pneumonia? A Dozen Warning Signs!

Is There A First Aid For Pneumonia?

There is no first aid for pneumonia.  An infection is dealt with using medication, and usually these medications need a prescription from a doctor.  This means a person who has pneumonia, or at least exhibits the signs and symptoms that would warrant medical treatment, will really have to check with a doctor.  Whatever first aid treatment is relevant to pneumonia, these are to address particular signs and symptoms, not the infection itself.  Of these signs and symptoms, the 2 that would need “first aid” would be high fevers, and vomiting and/or diarrhea.

A person with a high fever needs to get cooled down, either by cool wiping or bathing.  It is not necessary that the bath water be cold, but as cold as a person can comfortably tolerate is better.  

For vomiting and/or diarrhea, it is important to keep the person hydrated.  If the person is starting to get drained or lightheaded after persistent vomiting and/or diarrhea, this could be an indicator that the body’s electrolytes and minerals are going low.  Add Oral Rehydration Salts to the water that the person is made to drink.