
18 Different Foods That Cause Cancer

7. Microwavable Popcorn


In recent years, the news has been peppered with articles and stories about how dangerous microwave popcorn can be. According to the FDA, microwave popcorn might contain carcinogens, which are cancer-causing compounds. Some scientists believe that there is a possible link between microwave popcorn and cancer from chemicals called perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) which line the bags. PFCs resist grease and make them ideal for stopping the oil from seeping through the paper bags. If you absolutely are craving for microwave popcorn, try cutting open the bag, putting the contents (which will be a big gloopy rectangle with unpopped kernels suspended in what we can only assume is butter) in a large pot over medium heat. Break the rectangle apart with a wooden spoon as the pot heats up and the butter starts to melt, and make sure you stir the kernels, so they don’t burn. At some point, you may want to don protective eyewear so that when the first kernels start popping you don’t get an eyeful of hot grease! When the first few kernels have popped, cover the pot and shake it around a bit on the burner. Stop shaking from time to time to listen for pops. When you don’t hear anything for 20 seconds, remove the popcorn from the heat and transfer to a bowl.