
18 Different Foods That Cause Cancer

16. Highly Salted, Pickled, or Seasoned Foods


Food that is cured using nitrites or nitrates are tasty, there is no doubt about that. Bacon, for example, immediately comes to mind. These nitrates or nitrites act as preservatives and add color to meats, making them slightly pink or red as they cure the flesh. Although these preservatives don’t directly cause cancer, they can change under certain conditions and become N-nitroso composites. These composites are associated with greater cancer risks in the long run. Smoking foods used to be a practical way for people to preserve meat, however it does cause the food items to absorb considerable amounts of tar from the smoke. Tar, as we all know, is a recognizable carcinogen. Meats such as bacon, sausage, and other processed meats are very high in salt and fat, and pickles are high in salt content as well. Studies suggest that these foods greatly increase the risks of colorectal and stomach cancer — perhaps because they are naturally corrosive substances and perhaps break down the soft organic tissue over time with a lot of exposure. Do yourself a favor and limit these foods in your diet.