Health, Life

17 Common Signs And Symptoms Of Influenza

3. Fever and Chills


An adult’s normal body temperature usually sits between 97 to 99 degrees Fahrenheit, which means that if it reaches 100 degrees Fahrenheit or above, it is considered a fever. One of the main defense mechanisms of the body’s immune system in order to fight off infections and disease is to raise the body’s temperature in order to kill or stave off the bacteria or virus. But despite the body’s raised temperature, another reaction with a raised temperature is to cause the muscles of the body to shiver, which is commonly known as chills. These chills are actually meant to induce heat so that the body will sweat and eventually bring the fever down. Of course, just because you have fever and chills, it doesn’t mean that you automatically have the flu. But if it is combined with other common signs and symptoms on this list, there is a much higher chance that you actually are infected with the influenza virus.