Health, Life

17 Common Signs And Symptoms Of Influenza

11. Fatigue


Much like any sickness, fatigue is one of the most common symptoms or signs that someone could be getting an illness. And while fatigue in general is normal, especially after a long and gruelling day, when it’s a type of extreme tiredness wherein you can’t seem to manage to keep your eyes open, or you are so exhausted that you fall asleep in less than 5 minutes – along with a slew of other common flu-like symptoms – it could really be that you are coming down with the influenza virus. More often than not, even before you feel the full effect of the flu, feeling fatigued, run down, and basically lacking any energy is one of the true signs that you’re getting sick. And wistfully, it’s one that will stay on throughout the usual one to two week course that it takes to get over the flu, if not even longer than that.