Food, Health

19 Things You Should Eat To Lower Cholesterol

6. Oats


Oats (Avena sativa) are a cereal that is frequently consumed as oatmeal or rolled oats. They may provide a variety of possible health benefits, according to some research. They are primarily consumed as porridge, as an ingredient in breakfast cereals, and as an ingredient in baked products (oatcakes, oat cookies, and oat bread). Oatmeal has become a popular “health food” in recent decades. Oats are high in dietary fiber (greater than many other grains) and have a variety of cholesterol-lowering benefits. Oats contain a variety of antioxidant compounds, including avenanthramides, which are polyphenols. Avenanthramides may help keep blood pressure under control by boosting nitric oxide synthesis. When administered topically to the skin, they may have anti-inflammatory and anti-itching qualities. A 2008 report published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine evaluated a number of investigations conducted over a decade. They discovered that eating foods high in whole-oat soluble fiber sources (oats, oat bran, and oat flour) may help lower the risk of coronary heart disease. They concluded that “consumption of oats and oat-based products reduces total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations considerably without affecting high-density lipoprotein cholesterol or triglyceride concentrations.”