Food, Health

7 Causes of Hiccups And 12 Ways To Relieve Them

6. Drinking Water With A Twist


If the previous techniques still prove unsuccessful, you could try drinking water with even more added twists: drinking from the opposite side of a glass, or with a paper towel over it.

This first method can prove to be a little tricky. You might even find yourself somewhat dubious about it. But this just might be the trick for you if you’re up to the challenge. All you need is a glass of water, but you have to drink from the opposite side of the glass. If this sounds confusing, just put the glass underneath your chin. Then, place your lips on the side of the glass that is now beneath them, which is on the opposite of the side facing you when you drink normally. Now, drink as much water as you can. You will really need to tilt your head far forward to do this. This will cause your stomach muscles to contract, and may in turn stop your hiccups.

If that sounds a little too complicated, you could try using the paper towel method. Simply place a piece of paper towel over a glass of water, then drink the water through the towel. To be able to suck up the water, you will need to exert your diaphragm more, which could counteract the hiccups.