
15 Things Your Eyes Are Trying To Tell You About Your Overall Health

7. Floaters


Floaters are tiny specks or dark shapes that seem to move around in your area of vision. They can look like spots, threads, squiggly lines, or even cobwebs at times. In addition, when you attempt to focus on the floater, they usually move, making it almost impossible to see them directly. Although floaters are a common occurrence in people as they age, if someone happens to be nearsighted, have undergone cataract surgery, or happen to be diabetic, floaters may be more common. For the most part, floaters are considered quite typical and aren’t necessarily worrisome. But if they do increase in number or become a hindrance to everyday life, be sure to seek professional medical health as this could be a sign of a retinal tear or even retinal detachment, a condition that requires almost immediate treatment because if it’s left untreated, it can lead to permanent vision loss or even blindness.

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