
15 Things Your Eyes Are Trying To Tell You About Your Overall Health

2. Dry Eyes

The Health Site

Dry eyes is another common condition that affects many people on a daily basis. Moreover, there are a ton of reasons why people suffer from dry eyes, like getting older, particular medications, allergies, menopause, and more. But there are times when there is more to dry eyes than you’d think. There are times when dry eyes are a result of inflammation caused by certain autoimmune diseases, which tend to be more concerning in nature. These include rosacea, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren’s Syndrome, and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, which are just a few examples. Although dry eyes are common, it doesn’t automatically mean that they are being caused by an autoimmune disease. Be sure to seek professional medical help to better understand why you have dry eyes in the first place. Treatment could be as simple as an eye drop prescription.

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