
15 Things Your Eyes Are Trying To Tell You About Your Overall Health

6. Bulging Eyes

Stallard Eye Clinic

Bulging eyes, which is also called exophthalmos, is explained as the eyes sticking out from their sockets or seeing more of the white portion of the eyeball than usual. Some reasons why this happens are bleeding behind the eyes, infection or injury, or possibly, tumors. But one of the most common reasons for bulging eyes is hyperthyroidism, a condition that’s caused by having an overactive thyroid gland that overproduces thyroid hormones. One possible cause of hyperthyroidism is Graves’ Disease, which happens to be an autoimmune disease where the healthy tissue of the thyroid gland is attacked by the immune system. Graves’ also has other symptoms like weight loss, anxiety and a rapid pulse. If you have bulging eyes and any of these other signs, speak with your doctor about what you’re experiencing to get a proper diagnosis in order to start treatment immediately.

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