
15 Things Your Eyes Are Trying To Tell You About Your Overall Health

14. Irregularities In the Retina

Portugal Resident

As explained earlier, some retina issues or abnormalities occur due to high cholesterol or triglycerides. But there are also times when there are spots or broken blood vessels that are caused by the well-known disease HIV, or the human immunodeficiency virus. HIV causes acquired immunodeficiency virus (AIDS), which is a disease that attacks the immune system, which is vital to fighting off sickness and disease. When the immune system is compromised, it makes fighting against minor and major health issues very difficult. To make things worse, HIV may also cause other crucial issues like detached retina, CMV retinitis, and Kaposi sarcoma, which end up showing itself in purple or red lesions on the eyelids. This is why any issues or irregularities in the eye or retina should never be ignored and should be checked by an ophthalmologist immediately.

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