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Treating And Managing Multiple Sclerosis

4. Red Wine

Medical News Today

It might not be a well-known fact that red wine has anti-inflammatory properties. A study in Belgium shows that it may also help slow down the progression of multiple sclerosis. This was conducted on 1,431 people, with more than 80% of them drinking up to seven glasses of wine per week. Though the study has not yet proven conclusive, patients with the relapse form of MS who drank wine showed less severe symptoms. The wine appeared to have a protective effect on them. It is not clear how it produces this effect, but the study suggests that the anti-inflammatory effects of resveratrol found in red wine might have something to do with it.

Living with multiple sclerosis can be a challenge that must be faced daily. It affects both your physical and emotional well-being. Make sure to see your doctor regularly to be able to find the best treatment for your symptoms. Though it can be difficult, you can still live a happy and productive life if you manage your illness.