
These Symptoms Indicate That You May Have A Gallbladder Infection

4. Vomiting

Cleveland Clinic’s Health Essentials

Accompanied with nausea is usually vomiting, a symptom that we had just mentioned previously. In some cases, vomiting is the first symptom one may feel once they have a gallbladder inflammation. One diagnosed with a gallbladder attack, does not just vomit the food you have just eaten though. Instead, they vomit bile, the liquid stored in the gallbladder. Its color is often between a yellowish or greenish shade. If you start vomiting this and have other symptoms together with it (at least one of it), you will have to head straight to the hospital. Do not even try to delay it or take it lightly. Go ahead and rush to a doctor so you can get the medication you need right away. In the meantime, we will give you the details on how to deal with vomiting.