
These Symptoms Indicate That You May Have A Gallbladder Infection

13. Loss of Appetite

Medical News Today

Loss of appetite is a symptom of a gallbladder attack, because it is simply a part of the digestive system. While it is infected, the gallbladder will not be able to function as normally as it is supposed to. It will not be able to digest your food properly. This is because it will not be able to secrete the stored bile that helps your intestine break your food down. Because loss of appetite normally happens when people get ill, it is not really a good basis to start assuming that you have a gallbladder attack. This symptom should normally be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. By then, you may start realizing that you may have a gallbladder infection and would have to go to a doctor for an official diagnosis and proper medication. While you are at it with making an appointment with your trusted doctor though, we are more than happy to give you ways on how you can conquer the loss of appetite and get the right nutrition you need while you are ill.