
These Symptoms Indicate That You May Have A Gallbladder Infection

8. Heartburn

Reaudd, Morgan & Quinn, LLP.

Other than vomiting, the heartburn can also be the first indication of a gallbladder attack. It is difficult to figure out whether this is a gallbladder attack trying to notify you of its existence though. In fact, many people who have had heartburns as the first indication of a gallbladder attack have failed to identify it as what it is. Instead, they thought it was a Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease wherein bile enters the lower esophageal tract, the muscular tube that connects the throat with the stomach. With the bile part of this disease, anyone can absolutely see why anyone would mistake gallbladder attacks for it. This is why it is important to see an expert. The doctors will know what the reason behind your heartburn truly is. We will show you some way first though on how to deal with heartburn while you are waiting for your scheduled doctor’s appointment.