
12 Common Signs And Symptoms Of Pneumonia

4. Shortness of Breath, Rapid Breathing and a Rapid Pulse

Hopkins Medicine

As mentioned earlier, pneumonia is known to cause an accumulation of thick pus or mucus. As a result, it makes it that much harder to breathe since patients tend to cough or wheeze as a result. Moreover, this can then cause shortness of breath or rapid breathing, so much so that many claim they feel like they can’t catch their breath to the point that they feel like they are choking. Another by-product reaction to this is a rapid pulse, since the lack of oxygen can create a moment of fear and panic, raising one’s pulse. While these aren’t necessarily indicative that the infection has progressed to a scary point, if supplemented by other severe symptoms, they should not be ignored. More often than not, pneumonia is treatable with antibiotics and oxygen-therapy that takes between two to four weeks to treat completely.