
12 Common Signs And Symptoms Of Pneumonia

2. Cough with Colored or Bloody Mucous

Raleigh Capitol ENT

Another common sign of pneumonia is a cough that’s often very phlegmy due to the intense buildup of pus and phlegm in the lungs, however it may start out quite dry at first. Usually, there is a buildup of phlegm, which can be either white, yellow or green in color, and even be bloody at times when the infection is extreme. Coughing is a reaction to the buildup of phlegm and pus as the body attempts to remove it from the body, and it may be accompanied by other signs like a fever, malaise, sweating, chills, shivering and difficulty breathing, if not more. If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, especially bloody sputum, head straight to the ER to get yourself checked by a medical professional.