
10 Foods Loaded With Iron

8. Dried beef


Beef jerky is a popular and portable snack. It gets its name from the Quechua word “ch’arki,” which means “dried, salted meat.” Beef jerky is created from lean slices of beef that have been marinated in a variety of sauces, spices, and other ingredients. It is then processed by various procedures such as curing, smoking, and drying before being packed for sale. Because jerky is a snack item, many people ask whether it is healthy or unhealthy. It has a healthier nutritional composition than many other snack foods and is ideal for numerous diets, including low carb and paleo diets, due to its high protein and low carb content. It’s also high in minerals like zinc and iron, which are essential for a variety of activities like immunological and energy support. Furthermore, beef jerky has a long shelf life and is quite portable, making it an excellent choice for travel, trekking, and other circumstances where you have limited access to fresh food and require a protein boost.

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