
13 Home Remedies For An Ear Infection

8. Pain Relief Medication


Because children’s eustachian tubes are smaller, they are more susceptible to ear infections. There are drugs available specifically for children’s earaches. If your child’s earache is caused by a cold or flu, swimmer’s ear, or allergies, drugstores sell pain-relieving eardrops that can help them feel better.

Call your child’s doctor if the discomfort from the ear infection is extremely intense or persistent. If your kid is in mild to moderate discomfort or is having trouble sleeping, your doctor may recommend using an over-the-counter pain medicine such acetaminophen or ibuprofen. A few caveats apply: Never give a pain reliever to an infant younger than 3 months of age without consulting a doctor; determine the correct dose using the child’s weight (not age), and double-check with your child’s doctor; use only the measuring tools included in the packaging (do not use a kitchen teaspoon, for example); use only the measuring tools included in the packaging (do not use a kitchen teaspoon); although, studies reveal a relationship between continuous use of over-the-counter pain medicines and the development of asthma, use as little as possible.

Furthermore, children’s formula acetaminophen or ibuprofen can be utilized as earache treatments to assist relieve inflammation in children aged 6 months and higher. Before providing NSAIDs to your child, speak with his or her physician, and avoid aspirin for children under the age of 16.