
13 Home Remedies For An Ear Infection


Ear infections are one of the most prevalent pediatric illnesses. Despite the fact that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends breastfeeding, vaccination (especially against the flu and pneumococcal viruses), and avoiding secondhand smoke as ways to prevent ear infections, more than 80% of children in the United States have at least one ear infection by the age of three. The ear is extremely sensitive, especially the canal and eardrum. Over time, earwax accumulation can harm these structures. This can cause hearing loss. Ear irrigation is a safe approach to remove extra earwax and reduce the risk of ear injury. Foreign objects, such as food, insects, or tiny stones, can get stuck in the ear. The objective in these situations is to remove the things carefully and swiftly before they go farther into the ear or cause harm to the sensitive canal.  Ear discomfort is often always the first symptom. Relieving the discomfort might help the youngster feel more at peace and reduce parental concern. Antibiotics were once the go-to therapy for ear infections, with 16 to 20 million antibiotic prescriptions provided each year. Concerns about antibiotic resistance have prompted doctors to reconsider this practice, and the most recent AAP guidelines distinguish between ear infections that benefit from antibiotics and those for which “wait and see” and pain management is the best course of action, noting that most infections resolve on their own within 10 days.

Meanwhile, try these tried-and-true earache home treatments.

1. Olive Oil

Olive oil is commonly offered as a cerumenlytic at drugstores, which is an ear canal lubricant that helps release stubborn ear wax and provide pleasant relief. Warm the olive oil to a lukewarm temperature before using. (Place the olive oil in a tiny, tightly sealed bottle and hold it under warm running water, gently shaking it to disperse the temperature evenly.) Test a drop on your fingertip before placing any oil in your child’s ear. Fluids that are too hot or too cold might create dizziness, thus the oil should be similar to body temperature. Tip your child’s head to the side and place 3–5 drops in the afflicted ear with an eye dropper.

To keep the oil from leaking out, place a piece of cotton in the ear as needed. If your child has ear tubes or you suspect the eardrum has ruptured, don’t apply drops in his or her ear (characterized by fluid draining from the ear).