
13 Home Remedies For An Ear Infection

2. Distilled Water


Several studies have showed that distilled water is much more efficient than olive oil at breaking up wax. Olive oil may be more effective for pain alleviation. If wax is an issue, try distilled water and follow the same warming and application methods as olive oil. Ear irrigation is a common treatment for removing extra earwax, also known as cerumen, and foreign objects from the ear. Wax is produced by the ear to protect and lubricate it, as well as to keep debris out and prevent bacterial development. The body regulates the quantity of earwax in the ears under normal circumstances. A blockage in the ear caused by too much or hardened earwax can induce earaches, ringing in the ears, or temporary hearing loss. Ear irrigation can help remove foreign objects from the ear canal. Your doctor can do earwax irrigation or you can do it yourself at home using an irrigation kit that contains a bulb syringe.