
13 Home Remedies For An Ear Infection

5. Warm, Moist Heat


A hot water bottle wrapped in a moist towel and placed on the painful ear for a few minutes may give pain relief. A rice sock may be heated in the microwave for brief bursts if you don’t have a hot water bottle on hand. A warm, damp washcloth is another option. If you’re using a washcloth, wring it out well. Water should not be dripped into the affected ear. Doctors frequently advocate using a warm compress to relieve pain by loosening congestion and easing discomfort. It’s easy to make a warm compress. Simply soak a washcloth in warm water, rinse it dry, fold it, and lay it over the afflicted ear for 10 to 15 minutes. However, be careful not to burn yourself with an extremely hot towel. A heating pad or a warmed gel pack can also be used to make a warm compress. Wrap a towel around your heating pad and lay it on top of the hurting ear on a low setting. You may also use a towel with a warmed gel pack to be safe.